On September 26th 1774
Jonathan Chapman was born. Johnny Appleseed, as he is known, left his father
after he turned 18 to go west with his younger brother Nathaniel. Eventually
his father moved to Ohio and Nathaniel moved back with their father and his
family. Johnny Appleseed started to work in an orchard for a Mr. Crawford.
Appleseed planted nurseries of apples for settlers. The settlers had to plant
pears or apples to secure their rights to the land, since apples and pear are
not native to the Americas. The nurseries were very popular. He also preached
as he travelled around. His theology was like The New Church, which placed an
emphasis on nature.
preached in exchange for a place to sleep. He was regarded as having a great
eloquence, although it was in a unique way. He told stories to children,
sometimes of his travels and some old stories from Sweden that his parents used
to tell him. A traveling preacher once was preaching about poverty and
repeatedly asked where the humbly dressed barefoot Christian’s were, Johnny
Appleseed put his bare foot on a stump to show it and said, “Here’s your
primitive Christian.”
Appleseed once noticed mosquitoes getting burned by his campfire and doused the
campfire to protect them. He also slept in the snow rather than disturb a bear
and her cubs. There are many stories about his which are mythical, like the
picture of him wandering around aimlessly spreading apple seeds. Due to this
tendency, the exact details of his death are not known, there are several
different versions. This only proves the love that people had for the man who
loved God and nature.
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